Our campus is excited to report that Governor Pritzker is allowing outdoor visitation as part of the re-opening process. Our regulatory agencies are putting together the policy and procedure that we are required to follow. We understand that all facilities will have to follow the strict guidelines …
Spring Hall Decorating 2020
Our whole building participated on our "Spring Hall Decorating" competition. It was a fun way to interact and laugh in this time of social distance! Each hall worked together (residents and staff) to determine their them and then decorate! It was really tough to choose just 3 winners... 3rd place …
Thank you Everyone for Making our Parade a Success!
While it doesn't replace a real hug, having family and friends come and let us see their faces in real time sure does add happiness to our day! We had such a great turn out we had to take multiple videos (see video gallery below photo gallery) Photo Gallery Video Gallery [Total_Soft_Gallery_Video …
Thank you Everyone for Making our Parade a Success!Read More
Surfin’ USA at Heartland Senior Living
Yesterday was "Surfin' USA Day" at Heartland Senior Living. Part of the fun (in addition to the decorating and laughter) was our boardwalk tour. Enjoy our Video below! …